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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

To Cuy Or Not To Cuy?

So...this is what I came across this morning, via CBS News:

Peru just celebrated it second annual Festival of the Cuy. In case you're wondering, cuy is guinea pig.

"Zero cholesterol! Protein for anemia!" Teresa Figeroa shouted from under her woven, flower-lined hat. For 20 soles ($7), she sold plates of guinea pig fried, grilled, baked,even cuy au vin, with generous helpings of Andean potatoes and large Peruvian corn called choclo.

Yep. This is what they eat down there. And I hear they're delicious. So you can guess what I'm going to do when I get to Peru. I also hear alpaca tastes kinda like beef.

1 comment:

samurai said...

oh no, you can't eat a furry rat.