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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Z-List

I have a long list of places to visit. I break them down into smaller lists. There's an A-List; places that I want to go right now if possible (Spain, China, Italy), a B-List: places that are on my mind and would like to visit but it's not so urgent (India, Ireland, Morocco), and so on down the line.

I also have a Z-List, places where I'd rather not go. You can take a guess which countries those would be. Iraq? Check. Afghanistan? Check. Detroit? You betcha. (I kid you, Motown...)

Which is what makes this NY Times article all the more inspiring; A group of middle-aged and older tourists on a tour of Iraq. Yes, that place we invaded six years ago. Where that madman Saddam reigned for so long. And they survived!

The danger that comes with going to such a war-torn country intrigues me. Yet I'd rather not travel to a dangerous place for the sake of going to a dangerous place. I want to go somewhere to immerse myself, to soak in the people and culture. Could I do that if I'm constantly wondering, "Could I actually die today?" and ask that question without being dramatic? I don't think I can.

I'm being honest. I cannot see myself finding the will to book a flight to Baghdad International Airport on Kayak. That doesn't mean I don't have the curiosity. Turns out there aren't any flights going there at this time.

Maybe in a few years, when the violence has dissipated and the fears subsided, I'll move Iraq up from the Z-List to the S-List. It could happen.

For those reading, what's on your "Z-List"? Where wouldn't you go? And what would it take for you to think about going there?

1 comment:

joyful7997 said...

hey, that's a neat idea. i sorta have the same A-list and B-list places to go. A-lists destinations are places i must go in my lifetime. B-list places are places i would go to when i have finished my A-list places.

my Z-list places are places that would put me in danger. like you said, afghanistan, iraq, the middle east. although, i think it would be interesting to see Israel. just not very safe right now.

russia might be on my s-list. it's cold in siberia. btw, what if you were on amazing race and they took you to your S or Z list places?