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Wednesday, March 18, 2009


To cleanse myself of my addiction, I have been refraining from Facebook for the past few weeks. In its place, I have been Twittering.

I didn't "get" Twitter for a while. What can't I do on Twitter than I can do when updating my Facebook status? Isn't it the same thing? I was so wrong.

While Facebook allows you to make friends, Twitter lets you follow people. You can follow anybody: athletes, musicians, Sith name it. You can even stalk your favorite taco truck, have its updates sent to your mobile, and chase it like a great white whale.

But for Travel Junkies, Twitter is a gift from the heavens. You can find great deals, travel articles, ideas for you next trip. More importantly, you can build your network. You'll meet fellow Travel Junkies, read their tweets. You'll make new friends in far away places that will but you a beer when you visit.

I've only been on Twitter for a short while, but it's already paying off. For the first time in months, I'm moved to start writing in this blog, with regularity. It's a beautiful thing.

And since you're here, how about following me?


Daniel Yee said...

And you can help travelers between connections find a Dunkin' Donuts in the airport...

Anonymous said...

Dunkin support is efinitely the biggest positive. It made me a Twitter convert! -minjuice

Anonymous said...

d is for definitely.