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Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Road to Southeast Asia: Prologue - The Big Boy Trip

Things happen for a reason.

I was supposed to leave for the Philippines in April, followed by a week in Thailand. I was all set to book my flights, when our trip fell through. I was crushed.

A month passed, and I was feeling it the itch. I sat at my desk at work, dreaming of Thai massages, when I thought, "Screw it, I'm just gonna go."

I was obsessed. I went on Kayak for a week straight, looking up flights till 2 AM. I mapped out my itinerary, scrapped it, made a new one, scrapped THAT, went back to my original plan, then went with Plan C.

Click. One flight booked. Click. There's another. Click. Wait, I need to book hotels! Click. Click. Click!!

And here I am, about to embark on a two-week solo trip to Southeast Asia.

This is my Big Boy Trip. No companions to lean on to do the dirty work. I have to ask for directions. I have to interact with the locals. I have to find my way across the mountains of Chiang Mai. I have to seek out the secluded beaches of Phuket on my own. I have to navigate the streets of KL. It's on me. This is the trip where I gut it out, suck it up, and go.

I will have friends and family in Bangkok to guide me. Apart from that, I am on my own. Two years ago, this was unthinkable. Today, it's all I think about. I want to approach this trip with open eyes. With boldness.

Enough writing.

Let's do this.

I'll be back in two weeks, with pictures, stories, and maybe even videos(!) to share. If I'm able, I will update.


1 comment:

chik said...

I'm so excited for you & your first solo trip! Can't wait to read all about it. Godspeed.