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Monday, March 24, 2008

The Vegas Diaries

March 20, 2004

It's my last day in Vegas. What a trip! I spent the last four days watching March Madness, from the morning till sundown. Too bad the Bruins weren't playing. Oh well. Oh I won 25 bucks playing craps! So exciting! Can't wait to come back next year...

March 21, 2005

Vegas trip's been cool. Sucks that UCLA lost in the first round. Puts a damper on things. That's ok. We'll get them next year. Had a few drinks at Margaritaville after the game. Don't remember much after that. You know, there's so many people here at this time of the year. It's like Spring Break. Can't complain. Lots of eye candy to go around. And so many dudes with striped shirts and orange skin. Hahaha

March 23, 2006

Vegas was OK. Lost $500 in craps. Lost $100 on UCLA. Never bet them in the 2nd round, stupid. Although I must say, the women here are hot. Got some play from the ladies when I told them I co-starred in "Take the Lead", with Antonio Banderas. Note to self: Next year, I'll tell them I was Rufio in "Hook".

March 22, 2007

God, this place smells like ass. There are so many douchebags on the strip right now. Where did they come from? Is there a D-Bag Expo at Bellagio? Geez. Went out to PURE with my friends. Spent forty bucks on a Midori Sour for a girl named Vixen. She bailed. I drank it myself. It was pure crap. This city bugs.

March 23, 2008

I hate this effing place. I paid fifty bucks at the Wynn just so i can eat fancy crap like chilled shrimp. They're the cockroaches of the sea. And I ate fifty of them. I haven't slept in four days. I reek of cigar smoke and stripper perfume. I've hocked up loogies the size of tennis balls. I caught a dude pissing in the bushes in front of the Mirage. I'm not coming back next year. Vegas sucks. I'm taking the money I usually save up for Vegas and buying a Wii. At least I'll be entertained in a douchebag-free environment. Good-bye, Vegas. And good riddance.

March 24, 2008

Found a $1 chip from Bally's in my pants pocket. Will have to go back next year to cash it in. Start saving up now.

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