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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Coming Together

I've put in my request for time off at work. I've begun scraping my funds together. I've emailed my aunt my itinerary.

In a little over two months, I'll be on a plane to the Philippines, heading "home". Not my home, but the home of mom and dad, my aunts and uncles. A place where the last time I went, I was a chubby and very self-aware nine-year-old. When I was there, I caught the chicken pox and had to stay in a local hospital for two days. I'm hoping this time, I'll be relatively disease-free.

But in addition to going home, I'll be visiting Thailand for one week, and most likely with mom and brother in tow. I also have relatives in the area. I hear the food is great and the massages are cheap. Just the way I like it...

The months preceding a major trip can be maddening. Some days go by ever so slowly, and yet, time passes so quickly that when it's time to depart, you're in a mad rush to pack.

For now, I'll be scouring the web for tips and tricks on what to do when I'm in the PI and Thailand. But I'm pretty sure when I arrive, I'll just ride the Travel Wave wherever it takes me.

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