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Monday, December 3, 2007

Themed Travel

Found this site that offers vacation packages with a dancing theme.

Wouldn't it be cool to spend a week in Cuba and learn Salsa? Or belly dancing in Morocco? Or Flamenco in Granada?

Sadly, I didn't see any packages where I can spend the week doing the Soujia Boy.

But I love the idea of combining traveling with another of your favorite hobbies. From dancing to marathon running, if you can think of it, it's probably yours to get.

I have this crazy idea of doing a Karaoke road trip across the US. I'd spend two to three weeks, starting in LA and ending in New York, and hit a karaoke bar every night. Wouldn't that be insane? Who knows what might happen in say, Kansas? Or what if I end up in Alabama, looking for karaoke? What in the world would I sing?

Anyone willing to come with?

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