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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Romantic Travel

From Frommer's, here are some ideas for some romantic getaways.

Can't go wrong with Patagonia or Barcelona, but interesting choice in Torrey Pines. I've been to Torrey Pines. Never felt anything magical when I was there. But I always went with my family, so I'm not a good judge of what's romantic or not. But I will say that a hot air balloon ride through TP can be just the thing to ignite that spark between you and your loved one.

Monday, December 17, 2007


I've been checking out this site recently. lets you book a villa in Tuscany or Provence or several other areas in Greece, England and Spain. These villas hold from two to twenty-four people, or even more.

The more I explored each villa, the more excited I became. How awesome would it be to get a group of friends and/or family, spend a week in the Italian countryside, eating great food, drinking new wine, and having a ball?

Each property is rated on a 5-star scale, so of course I checked out the "best" villas. goodness, some of these places are just insanely lavish.

Take for instance, this property:

This is the Chateau Traffaut, located in Gironde, France. It sleeps up to 20 people and costs up to $24,000 for one week's stay. Judging by the photos, it looks very palacial. And I think I could only take staying here for one day before I would lose my mind.

While I could very well live like a King for one week, this sort of luxury travel is complete opposite of what I look for in a trip. Put me in a place that's in the middle of everything. Where the village square is footsteps away. Where the aroma from the marketplace invades my living space and makes me hungry. Where the neighboring farm animals wake me up at the butt-crack of dawn.

But knowing me, if I were to stay in such a Chateau, I'd never leave. Why would I, when I have my own pool and tennis court? And maids to wait on me hand and foot? And while the thought of such a life entices me, I prefer immersion over seclusion any day.

With that said, if anybody is down for sharing a villa with me in Italy or Spain come 2009, drop me a line.

Jamon Iberico - Now or Later?

From USA Today:

Ibérico hams have been approved for sale in the USA for the first time, and a small initial supply is making its way into the retail pipeline this month.

I've heard about jamon iberico for a while now, and I am absolutely DYING to try this.

Although I'm inclined to wait until I make my virgin trek to Spain...hopefully in 2009. Just to make the experience that much richer.

Has anyone had this? Is it worth the wait? Or should I get my hands on the jamon ASAP?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

San Antonio

I'll be spending a few days in San Antonio this coming April.

Anybody have any ideas what do to there? Feedback welcome...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Traveling Alone

When I was in Peru, I was the only single person amongst a bunch of married people. Sure, it felt weird being the 9th wheel, but the bonus was that I had my hotel room. And that, my friends, was paradise.

There is a strong possibility that I'll be traveling to Thailand by myself next year. However, I do have relatives in Bangkok, as well as a friend who is a missionary over there, so it's not like I would totally be by myself. But for the most part, I would be going it alone. Thinking about it scares me, but intrigues me at the same time.

I'm very picky about who I travel with. There are some people I know would be good travel buddies, and there are some people who I know I'd probably kill within 24 hours of traveling. And yet, solo travel is something I don't feel comfortable doing. It's dangerous. You stand a good chance of getting scammed or mugged. You have a huge target on your back the second you step off the plane.

Just thinking about it brings up and grip of insecurities and fears. But healthy travel, where you immerse yourself in a place, taking in everything, getting your hands dirty, so to speak, that kind of travel breaks down those fears, shows you that you're not that different from the strangers around you, and reveals to you the adventurous spirit that we all carry within us.

My point is, don't be afraid to consider solo travel. Because really, it's not really solo travel unless you're going to a place where there is absolutely nobody present. And that's just scary.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

53 for 2008

Looking for some ideas for next year?

Here's a link from the New York Times with 53 places to check out for 2008.

Interesting list of choices. It would have never occurred to me to go to Detroit. Or Iran. Or Kuwait City. But there are places representing all corners of the world.

Pick one (or more) and enjoy!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wanna Be A Travel Writer?

Budget Travel is having their June 2008 issue consist of all user-submitted content.

Go to their site to pitch your best idea, or you can submit your best photos. You might even make the cover!

And sorry, I already submitted the Karaoke Across America idea. You can't use that one...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Themed Travel

Found this site that offers vacation packages with a dancing theme.

Wouldn't it be cool to spend a week in Cuba and learn Salsa? Or belly dancing in Morocco? Or Flamenco in Granada?

Sadly, I didn't see any packages where I can spend the week doing the Soujia Boy.

But I love the idea of combining traveling with another of your favorite hobbies. From dancing to marathon running, if you can think of it, it's probably yours to get.

I have this crazy idea of doing a Karaoke road trip across the US. I'd spend two to three weeks, starting in LA and ending in New York, and hit a karaoke bar every night. Wouldn't that be insane? Who knows what might happen in say, Kansas? Or what if I end up in Alabama, looking for karaoke? What in the world would I sing?

Anyone willing to come with?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Travel Blog Is Dead

Interesting article found here.

I should probably rethink this travel blog thing. I feel bad that I don't update it when I'm not traveling and I would still like to make it worth coming back to for the four people that read this thing.

Look for more links to other sites and interesting travel ideas...