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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Zeus or Poseidon?

The National Archaeological Museum of Athens was a ten-minute walk from our hotel. It's a bit away from the main landmarks, so we paid a visit first thing next morning. It's a good time of the day to go, before it gets super crowded.

I'm not a huge museum fan, but this one is worth it. It houses everything from shards of pottery (not so interesting) to broken statues of the gods (very interesting). However, of all the exhibits, there was one that surpasses them all...

This is The Artemision Bronze. It was located off Cape Artemision in 1928 (Thanks, Rick.) The statue could be of Zeus or Poseidon. The weapon that he's supposed to be carrying was never recovered. We have no way of knowing if he was packing a thunderbolt, or a trident.

The statue is a marvel. It stands 6'10" (Thanks again, Rick) and showcases the Greeks obsession with the human body.

No matter how you look at it, you just can't look away. I spent a good half hour in this hall, mesmerized. Just look at those lines! The balance! I'm still in awe.

And it wasn't just me...M was hypnotic. However, there was no time to lose. We had to make it to Piraeus Harbor to make our boat for Aegina. We bid the statue and the museum farewell, and made our way to our next adventure.

If I could spend more time at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, I would. If only to gaze upon The Artemision Bronze...

Is it Zeus? Or Poseidon?? I'll never know.


v said...

Oh, I do love the Archaeological Museum in Athens. And Poseidon--or, okay, maybe Zeus--captures the attention. But to me the most exquisite piece of sculpture is the little jockey. Hope you got to see that amazing statue that seems in motion.

Emily @ Maiden Voyage said...

Great pictures! That's a pretty incredible statue. When I was in Athens this summer, we passed by the beautiful Archaeological Museum, but we didn't actually go in. We had just spent a lot of time hiking around the Acropolis area but now I'm bummed we didn't take the time to go in. Next time!