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Monday, September 7, 2009

In Cairo

I'm writing this from an empty computer room in my hotel. I can't breathe through my nose.

I COULD breathe, but I would inhale the cigarette smoke, left over from the attendant who was here before, lighting up a storm.

I'm tense. From negotiating the cab ride to the hotel, to the fact that our hotel doesn't recognize the tour company that booked our reservation and we could very well have to pay, to not being able to work the phones correctly (M has magically figured this out.), to the fact that it's just plain scary outside. Cars honk every three seconds. Cairenes argued heatedly in the middle of the street. The air is smoggy. And I still can't breathe through my nose. Tomorrow we see the Pyramids. We plan to have dinner on the Nile River. I don't want to leave the hotel. But I need to eat.

I have never been so equally thrilled and terrified to be in one place.

1 comment:

Dave and Deb said...

we were in Cairo Last year and you are going to love it! Seriously. Just enjoy the ride. We stayed at the Dahab guest house downtown for a few days and loved it. They are very helpful. You can book a trip to the white desert through them and you must do it! Amazing.
Try to take public transportation. The shared minvans are fun and people will look out for you. Our driver was trying to rip us off, but everyone in the van told us he was over charging and to only pay the same that they were paying. It was awesome. He just smiled. (hey it was worth a try right?) They only cost 1 or 2 dollars.
The people are very nice and the best advice that we got was when taking a taxi, know what it should cost from either your guest house, guide book or locals and give them the money as you get out. they will inevitably ask for more, but you will be right if you are giving them a fair price.
Any advice you need, don't hesitate to ask!