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Monday, November 26, 2007


I haven't traveled in forever. And I've been reading a lot of friends' blogs about their vacations, and yes, I'm mad jealous.

But every so often, I take time out and just plan my future trips. And it's great to just plan:

- March 2008 - Vegas. Ahhh, Vegas in March can only mean one thing. And really, there's nothing like sitting, or more likely standing, in the Sports Book at Caesar's while 12+ hours of basketball flash before your eyes. And you have action on every game. Truly, March Madness.

- April 2008 - San Antonio, Texas. Talk about acting on faith. That's right. I've booked a flight at the site of this season's Final Four. My first trip to Texas. I couldn't be more thrilled.

- May 2008 - Philippines/Thailand. The big one. Original plan is to spend at least a week and a half with family in the PI, and spend a week in Thailand hanging out with family and friends. Philippines is confirmed, Thailand is iffy. This could be very well be my first solo vacation. The thought terrifies yet excites me at the same time.

And I'd like to take some side trips in between. I'm thinking Bay Area, East Coast, all over...

And it's great to plan long-term as well. To dream:

- 2009 - Back To Europe. I really want to spend a good three weeks there, in Spain, Portugal and Italy. And yet, there's so much left to see!

- 2010 - South Africa. World Cup. It'll be insane. And if I'm going to Africa, this is my shot to do it.

- 2011 - Wow, who knows? I kind of want to go somewhere random. Not too random like Antarctica (now THERE'S a thought!) but I'm thinking some place that's just crazy. Like India. Or Detroit.

And the next thing I know, it's 2012 and I'm thinking about going to London for the Olympics. Meanwhile, there are places in the US I've never been. Places in CALIFORNIA I've never been. Heck, there are places on the Westside that I've never even touched, and I've lived here for eight years.

And while I've laid out plans, I have no idea what's going to happen over the next three to four years. But it's still a joy to just plan, and dream away.

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