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Monday, April 30, 2007


My destination is settled. Airfare is booked. Tour is booked. Yet, I'm still stressed.

My main concerns are getting the gear I need, and getting in shape for the hike. I was up in Forest Falls, CA over the weekend and I was DYING. I'm supposed to take Machu Picchu??

So, for my sake, here are my main needs:

1) Backpack. I didn't hire a porter for the hike, so I need something lightweight.

2) Hiking Boots. As of right now, I have some Nikes that I've had for years. They sure as heck will not make the trip.

3) A camera. This is a bit of a luxury. My old A85 is clunky and I can't fit it in my pocket any more. I'm thinking SD800, but we'll see.

Of course, I haven't started looking into getting any of these, on top of the other things I'll need. My friend Brian forwarded me a list. It looks pretty comprehensive, but my GOD there's so much I need to get.

I'm gonna have some fun putting this together, I can tell already.

Monday, April 23, 2007


So, let's start with where I'm going.

Machu Picchu!

Yes, This July I'll be headed to Peru for a little under two weeks.

Needless to say, I'm ecstatic that I have this opportunity. But there's a lot to get done.

Won't you join me?

Monday, April 16, 2007


Finally, I've created a blog dedicated to my travels. Hopefully there will be plenty to write about.