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Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Next Journey

Hi Faithful Travelers!

I know, it's been a long time since our last post. I feel terrible. But the general busyness that comes with married life has gotten in the way. That, and pure laziness on my part.

However, we are excited to share that in December of this year, K and I will be going to the Philippines!

This will be Karen's first time to the Islands. This will be my second, although it's been over 25 years since I last went. That's a quarter of a century.

Over the next few months I'll be posting my thoughts about going back to the Motherland. I also have a few bits from South Africa that I hope to get back to, even though it's been nearly a year since we've been there.

I know I say this often after a long absence, but I hope to get back to blogging more often. For my sake, really.